4 DIY Christmas Gifts For Your BFFs!

Dec 16, 2022

So, Christmas is looming ever closer, and you want to get your BFFs some fab gifts, but your piggy bank has other ideas. SugaPlum is more than awesome teenage bras and underwear so we did some research for you and found some fun DIY Christmas gifts that your mates will love and won’t break the bank. 

Personalised Wooden Prints

From coasters to wooden signs, there are so many gifts you can make. All you need is a printer, some wax paper and some leftover bits of wood. Ask your parents and grandparents to check their sheds for any wood offcuts they may have (the lighter the wood colour, the better). 

Start by finding the wood and then getting them into the shapes you want, please ask an adult to help if you’re planning to saw the wood down to size. You can make hanging signs, coasters, placemats, wooden crates or door plaques, so make sure you get the size fit for purpose. Then sand the wood on all sides, so it is smooth to the touch.

Find an image you like, or maybe type your friend’s favourite quote in a funky font and get the design to fit the size of the wood you have using your favourite photo design tool on your computer. When you’re happy, make sure to reverse the image and print it out onto wax paper. You can buy this online and through craft shops. Be careful when collecting the wax paper out of the printer as it might curl, and the ink may smudge.


Carefully place the printed side down onto the wood in the exact position you want it in. You need to be confident about this. Otherwise, it can smudge if you dither. Hold the paper taut over the wood and firmly swipe over the wax paper using a plastic card (like a loyalty card or old debit card). Be firm, but don’t rip the paper. You’ll soon see the image transfer to the wood. When you think it has transferred completely, carefully lift the wax paper off and be amazed at your handiwork. We guarantee everyone will want one!


Top Tip: Find an offcut you don’t want to use and practise on that piece first, so you feel fully confident when it comes to making perfect presents.

Easy Fleecy Scarves

You don’t need sewing skills with this easy make. All you need is a length of fleece in your BFF’s fave colour. Fleece is easy and cheap to buy from a haberdashery. Then, cut it to length for a scarf. We recommend 50 inches long, but the width will depend on how chunky or thin your friend likes scarves.

Then, with a ball of wool in a contrasting but complementing colour, you can add fringing to the edge of the scarf. Snip small holes one centimetre above the edges of the shortest ends of the scarf. Feed through 12-inch lengths of wool that are folded in half to create a loop on one side of the scarf, with the ends on the other side. Then feed through the two edges through the loop you’ve created and pull tight, so it is secured at the end. Keep repeating this all along the edge of the scarf to create a full fringe.

Shower Sugar Scrub

If your BFF deserves some TLC, then a homemade body scrub makes a fab gift. All you need is some old jam jars, sugar and coconut oil. You need around four tablespoons of oil for every cup of sugar you use to fill your jar. Add the oil slowly to the sugar to make sure you create a sandy, rather than soupy texture! You can add a touch of lemon juice too for a mood-boosting smell, or a dash of vanilla extract for a delicious scent.

Personalised Mugs

If you love drawing and writing, then it’s time to get creative by creating your own mug designs. All you need are some cheap, plain white mugs and some Sharpie markers (paint Sharpie markers work best).

Start creating your beautiful design by drawing with your Sharpies directly onto the mug and leave to dry overnight. Then, bake your mug in the oven for around 30 minutes at 350F/180C to ensure the design sets. It helps to pop the mugs in the oven when its cool and then turn up the heat. Similarly, turn off the oven when the time is up and leave the mugs to cool where they are before taking them out—this help to prevent cracks in the mugs.

We guarantee your friends will love your artistic designs and be so impressed with your design skills!

Hopefully, these four ideas will help you create the most awesome prezzies for your BFFs while being super budget-friendly too. We’d love to see your creations and any ideas you have for the best DIY gifts that you’re making for your friends!

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